I’m dedicating today’s blog to the people that I strongly suggest shouldn’t be reading my blogs. It’s better for them and it’s better for me if they leave now. Not unlike born again christians, there’s no reasoning with some people and I feel it’s better that they go ahead and stay in their little bubbles. My blogs are not the kind that are conversations. They’re not meant to be challenged. I have no interest in arguing politics. In fact, I quit discussing politics with people all together. These rants by me are designed solely to help keep my sanity in the midst of the current political climate. They are my truth not yours. For your utmost comfort, I’ll be including a warning on all my blogs that they’re not meant for everyone and a reference to today’s blog in all my future blogs.
People that should refrain from reading my blogs are:
1. people that think the concept of free speech is an abomination and should be outlawed
2. people that look at George W. Bush and say “boy, that man speaks for me”
3. people who think that their way is the only way and that no one else’s opinions matter
4. people that listen to Fox News or right wing radio exclusively
5. people that find discomfort in other American’s ideas. I say, why bother reading me if it will only lead to agita
6. Neocons (nothing pisses a Neocon off more than when they have their boot on someone’s neck and that someone has the audacity to complain)
7. people that look around and say everything’s hunky dory
8. people that think there’s no difference between the Republicans who hijacked the White House and the former Republican party. Incidentally, I was formerly a fifty percent Democrat and fifty percent Republican. I fully support the Police, our Men and Woman in uniform and want a sovereign nation with secure borders. I also want a strong FDA and a FEMA that can be there when we need them during a disaster, etc…. None of these concepts are concerns of the current white house occupants. Historically, the balance of having the Democrats and Republicans in Washington has been a good thing. But not with this gang of Neocons masquerading as Republicans.
9. people that don’t have a problem with Bush a) borrowing us up to the hilt from Communist Red China to the tune of trillions of dollars b) having our army in another country for no good reason, except maybe for international oil companies to colonize Iraq for their own self interest c) relegating the dollar to the toilet along with America’s reputation around the world … you get the idea
10. racists
To the ones staying around, see you next time.