Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Today’s Republican’s, at least the one’s in the so-called “base” (the one’s that still support Bush and McCain), are a people not to be reasoned with. They are not unlike evangelicals in they’re fervent, and unwavering “faith” in their party and it’s leaders. They are basically Demophobes.
There’s no changing their minds and therefore it’s not worth the lungpower it would take to try and engage them in an intelligent conversation. Having said that, just for my own sanity, I will lay out my current number one, and most important reason why being a Republican at this time is fucking “we the people” of America, including themselves, in the ass without a condom. Here I go. Wish me luck.
Main point 1
The current brand of Republicans (most not all), are not for “we the people”, but are nothing more than CORPORATE SHILLS. They argue, correctly I might add, that businesses are important to America. But they take it way too far in making business politically omnipotent. They have succeeded in elevating business to the point of having the same rights and legal status of an American citizen. NO REALLY, look it up! The corporate world has it’s own agenda. Left unchecked, it will roll over your ass like it wasn’t there in the pursuit of its bottom line. If it doesn’t, it will get sued by its stockholders. Legally.
Main point 2
The current brand of Democrats (most not all) are still roughly for half “we the people” and half corporate. I, on the other hand, would argue that the founding fathers got it right in giving full power to “we the people”. Here’s why. I understand fully how important business is to our daily lives. As such, I would give deference to business in the appropriate measure, as long as it served “we the people”. But I, as an American citizen, along with my fellow citizens, need the ultimate right to regulate business. Get it? Probably not. Go back to sleep.