Thursday, July 31, 2008

Blood In The Sand

Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Note: Accepting one’s own opinions or conclusions on others statements as facts can be damaging to one’s judgment and/or credibility.

The two lying cunts, Bush and McCain, are now responsible for over 4k worth of dead brave soldiers in the Bush/McCain Iraq occupation. Including the people that voted and will vote for them. This occupation is happening ONLY for the follow reason.
INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY PROFITS. That’s why the Repubicons don’t want us to ever leave. You fucking cunts. How dare you. We were buying oil from Iraq on the world oil market before the occupation, so we had the access. But Bush/Cheney/McCain and friends weren’t happy with just access, they needed to have their friends at Exxon et al make the profit from Iraq's oil to beef up their off shore accounts in the Kaman Islands. Americans have nothing to gain from this carnage! Iraqi’s even less!! They want to do the same thing with opening environmentally sensitive areas in America. We will still have to bid for that oil on the world market. And believe me, the price of gas won't come down because of it. Fuck these cunts and fuck the people that don’t care about our men and women in uniform. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!