Sunday, August 3, 2008

Stop The Madness

Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Note: Accepting one’s own opinions or conclusions on others statements as facts can be damaging to one’s judgment and/or credibility.

Republican voters are now responsible for over six thousand pounds of US Grade A discarded, disrespected and unnecessarily dead soldier meat in Iraq. Also, one million Iraqi people died violent deaths under the Bush/McCain crime team for no reason. They, among others, are guilty of mass murder. The Republican voters now have one million, four thousand angels on their shoulders. Are they burdened? Do they feel any guilt or remorse? Fuck no! Their filthy, disgusting teeth and tongues are salivating for more blood. McCain will, if elected by these animals, be exactly the same president as Bush and send more of our brave soldiers to their violent deaths. This isn’t news to Republican voters. They want it. They need it. International oil company profits aside, they’re depraved blood lusters in their own right. They must be stopped! Don’t try to reason with them, just stop them as soon as possible!! Bush and McCain and others must be put on Death Row or life in prison without parole for their parts in this murderous action. Please pray for justice!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The McCainchurian Candidate

Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Note: Accepting one’s own opinions or conclusions on others statements as facts can be damaging to one’s judgment and/or credibility.

The McCainchurian Candidate, aka “the crown prince” (called that by his Vietnam captors. You read into that what you will from your own particular side of the isle), interjected race into the presidential election dialog this week unfairly against his opponent Senator Barrack Obama. Therefore, it’s time to interject age, anger and possible brainwashing of the Republicon candidate by his captors in Vietnam, where he was catastrophically physically and mentally abused. McInsane must be summarily dismissed as a candidate due to the fact that the US president will have his finger on the nuclear button and there’s no way to guarantee that he wasn’t programmed by the Vietnamese to bring harm to America. Regarding his age, he’s too fucking old to be president. He continues to make mistake after mistake on the campaign trail and we absolutely don’t need his mistakes to continue on into the White House. It’s too damn important! He’s so old, he’s even considering declaring that he’ll only serve one term to belay our worries. It would do nothing to belay mine! Also, If you call him on any of his mistakes or shortcomings he gets overly angry. Like the time (it’s an irrefutable, publicly witnessed fact) he called his wife a “cunt” in public because she made a passing comment about his thinning hair. Ladies, what do you think of this kind of behavior? If you’re a Republicon, you probably like it. So to those Republicons that do, fuck you, you Republicon cunt!! Ha Ha!! How presidential, huh?!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Saddest Cut Of All

Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Note: Accepting one’s own opinions or conclusions on others statements as facts can be damaging to one’s judgment and/or credibility.

It’s now obvious to anyone with half a brain that mccain is a lying cunt. He’s betting that potential mccain voters will be dumb enough or lockstep enough to not question his lies and will take his despicable, childish and phony ads and statements about Mr. Obabma at face value. The ads don’t only dishonor mccain, making him look juvenile along with his supporters, but they also dishonor all US citizens, service men and women, and veterans. He’s convinced his supporters and Internet lackeys to lie with and for him, mostly in the form of forwarded emails. The saddest thing to me for some reason is not the one million Iraqi’s killed so far in the bush/mccain occupation of Iraq (not that it’s not truly sad, but maybe they’re just too far away for me to connect to emotionally), not the Katrina victims, (although I am friends with some folks that went through it, but not with anyone that died during or after the storms), but the way that these filthy man pigs, bush and mccain, have dragged down, and continue to drag down normally honest and decent people to their pig trough level. I was recently forwarded an email from a soldier who passed on one of mccain’s current childish, filthy lies about Senator Barrack Obama not caring about our wounded troops. Obama and his delegation, including Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, met with many of our troops on his tour of the Middle East and Europe. McSame tried to take one incident and make it sound like Obama doesn’t care about our troops. Disgusting! Just like when our men and women in uniform were compelled to lie about two of their own when bush in 2003/4, had his henchmen lie about John Kerry and Max Cleland’s service records. (as if service medals were given for other than the reasons they were awarded). Sadly, bush and mccain have now invited his supporters down to the pig trough to feed, and sadly they came, they fed and they now LIE along with mccain. And even though I can only bring myself to blame the mccain/bush administration, these individuals will have to live with themselves. VERY, VERY SAD.

Fuck You and Your Friends The Saudis

Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Note: Accepting one’s own opinions or conclusions on others statements as facts can be damaging to one’s judgment and/or credibility.

I’m now finally starting to get angry. FIFTEEN of the EIGHTEEN 911 hijackers were Saudi Arabian. Osama Bin Laden is Saudi Arabian. Bush’s best oil friends are Saudi Arabian. Saddam Hussein was captured in his own country with his own army at his disposal. Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose. Those of you who support Bush/McCain and the Republicons, Fuck You and your friends the Saudis!