Sunday, August 3, 2008

Stop The Madness

Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Note: Accepting one’s own opinions or conclusions on others statements as facts can be damaging to one’s judgment and/or credibility.

Republican voters are now responsible for over six thousand pounds of US Grade A discarded, disrespected and unnecessarily dead soldier meat in Iraq. Also, one million Iraqi people died violent deaths under the Bush/McCain crime team for no reason. They, among others, are guilty of mass murder. The Republican voters now have one million, four thousand angels on their shoulders. Are they burdened? Do they feel any guilt or remorse? Fuck no! Their filthy, disgusting teeth and tongues are salivating for more blood. McCain will, if elected by these animals, be exactly the same president as Bush and send more of our brave soldiers to their violent deaths. This isn’t news to Republican voters. They want it. They need it. International oil company profits aside, they’re depraved blood lusters in their own right. They must be stopped! Don’t try to reason with them, just stop them as soon as possible!! Bush and McCain and others must be put on Death Row or life in prison without parole for their parts in this murderous action. Please pray for justice!!