Saturday, August 2, 2008

The McCainchurian Candidate

Warning: Reading of this blog may lead to discomfort to some readers. If you have a history of problems with other people’s opinions, please scroll down and read my blog entitled “Lightweights need not apply” before proceeding.
Note: Accepting one’s own opinions or conclusions on others statements as facts can be damaging to one’s judgment and/or credibility.

The McCainchurian Candidate, aka “the crown prince” (called that by his Vietnam captors. You read into that what you will from your own particular side of the isle), interjected race into the presidential election dialog this week unfairly against his opponent Senator Barrack Obama. Therefore, it’s time to interject age, anger and possible brainwashing of the Republicon candidate by his captors in Vietnam, where he was catastrophically physically and mentally abused. McInsane must be summarily dismissed as a candidate due to the fact that the US president will have his finger on the nuclear button and there’s no way to guarantee that he wasn’t programmed by the Vietnamese to bring harm to America. Regarding his age, he’s too fucking old to be president. He continues to make mistake after mistake on the campaign trail and we absolutely don’t need his mistakes to continue on into the White House. It’s too damn important! He’s so old, he’s even considering declaring that he’ll only serve one term to belay our worries. It would do nothing to belay mine! Also, If you call him on any of his mistakes or shortcomings he gets overly angry. Like the time (it’s an irrefutable, publicly witnessed fact) he called his wife a “cunt” in public because she made a passing comment about his thinning hair. Ladies, what do you think of this kind of behavior? If you’re a Republicon, you probably like it. So to those Republicons that do, fuck you, you Republicon cunt!! Ha Ha!! How presidential, huh?!!